How to register a trademark?

For a company, there is no other solution than registering a trademark to exploit its products and services in an exclusive and secure manner. This process is carried out with the INPI, guaranteeing 10-year protection, and can be renewed at will. As you can see, registering a trademark involves several steps to follow. Discover this guide to get a clearer picture.

How does the registration of a trademark work?

The registration of a trademark is a crucial step in the creation of a company and it precedes the official launch of the activity. This step is not drastic, but it does require some knowledge. You should know that before going to the INPI to patent your activity, the definition of the trademark class comes first. More concretely, you must first identify the field of activity for which you wish to protect your trademark. For example, if you want to register a trademark for bicycles, it is classified in the "vehicles" category. Then, the search for anteriority continues. The goal here is to avoid any form of similarity to avoid confusion, or even more delicate problems. You will have to find out about your competitors in order to guarantee the authenticity of your trademark and to avoid a possible opposition against your application.

The procedure for filing a trademark

This registration is done in 4 distinct steps that start with the application for trademark registration at the INPI. You will fill out an application form before proceeding with the publication of the application. It is up to the INPI to publish your application in the BOPI, in particular in the Official Bulletin of Intellectual Property. You will then have a period of 6 weeks to receive notice of publication and possibly an opposition from a third party. The INPI examines the application before proceeding with the registration of your trademark. In the absence of an opposition, there is a 5-month period to obtain a trademark registration certificate. By way of information, these steps may generate costs that you can consult on the INPI website.

What happens after the filing?

Different options are available to protect your trademark. First of all, you can frequently check the different registrations identical or similar to yours in order to inform the INPI. Indeed, the possibility to follow the security of your trademark online is your greatest asset. It is a way to protect yourself from counterfeiting, unfair comparative advertising, false or misleading claims, etc.

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